by MiROTE | Mar 22, 2011 | Inspiring, Interviews, Talks & Workshops
Today is Agnes Martin’s birthday. She would have been 99 this year! And what a great excuse to connect back with my own site. I’ve been meaning to post for...
by MiROTE | Jan 18, 2011 | Architecture, Inspiring
Emily Allchurch: ‘Tower of London (after Breughel)’, 2005. Transparency on lightbox 124 x 161cm Lots has happened since I last posted anything, which...
by MiROTE | Nov 7, 2010 | In Action, Inspiring, Studio & Process
Well, the first post in a long while and I’ve been working on myself. That is to say, I’ve arrived back in London with all its art and artists going on...
by MiROTE | Jun 12, 2010 | Architecture, In Action, Inspiring
Given that we spent much of the last seven years building a house in Spain, or should I say being concerned with building a house, as the actual building bit only took...
by MiROTE | Jun 5, 2010 | Architecture, Inspiring
Going back through my sketchbook where I stick all manner of clippings and notes from magazines and wherever, I found this picture of a floating city which totally...
by MiROTE | May 9, 2010 | Inspiring, The Artist's Way
Today was strange… and amazing. All winter – and all the time I’ve been doing The Artist’s Way – we’ve been promising the boys that...