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Possibility… AW Week 5 – Check-In

This last week has literally whirled by, and I’ve enjoyed every minute (apart from the inordinate amount of rain that’s pouring in through the studio roof!). But I did get back in the studio between showers and it does feel like there’s more of a...

Safety… AW Week 1 – Check-In

Recovering a Sense of Safety… Haha! I did it! One week later and I completed Week 1 of the 12 Week program The Artist’s Way! Here’s the bit where I publicly Check-In – the accountability part which, in my mind, is precisely what makes coaching...

Starting the year with The Artist’s Way

Yes, I’ve decided to start this year with a classic kick up the *ss – The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. My lovely friend Jess Stephens introduced me to this when we shared a studio in Barcelona while working towards our MA. We used to sit and have a cup of...