by Michelle Rumney | Jun 29, 2018 | Collaborations, On Show, Supporters, Talks & Workshops
St Thomas Way Launch Events Hereford Cathedral, Saturday 7th July To celebrate the launch of the St Thomas Way, there’s a whole day of events at Hereford Cathedral. The trail has taken months of research, miles of walking and a dedicated team to put everything...
by Michelle Rumney | Mar 1, 2015 | Artist's Journeys, Spaces, Talks & Workshops, The Artist's Way
Artist’s Adventures in Italy Refuel your inner artist in Assisi – with the gorgeous Italian landscape of Umbria as a backdrop… Facilitated by Michelle with painter and photographer Michael Eldridge of Starstone Creativity Journeys Creativity thrives...
by Michelle Rumney | Apr 24, 2014 | Talks & Workshops
A guest post by Michael Eldridge: ‘Ideas which stay in the head, die in the head’ Delacroix Now, there’s a guy who got it right. Can you remember your childhood days when every minute was a wondrous realm of imagination and you were totally absorbed...
by MiROTE | May 9, 2010 | Inspiring, The Artist's Way
Today was strange… and amazing. All winter – and all the time I’ve been doing The Artist’s Way – we’ve been promising the boys that we’ll take them and their shiny red super-fast Swiss sled up to the Sierras for a day sliding...
by MiROTE | May 6, 2010 | Inspiring, The Artist's Way
This week’s focus is all about Autonomy – a sense that you can do this for yourself, despite what everyone else is doing. “There is a connection between self-nurturing and self-respect. If I allow myself to be bullied and cowed by other people’s...