+44 7801 758 771 info@michellerumney.com

Are we There Yet? @ Lighthouse in Poole

Sep 28, 2015Spaces, Studio & Process

Are we There yet? Well nearly! 6 weeks to go until the Labyrinth series can be viewed and experienced how they were intended to be – out on the walls, rather than hidden in my studio. I’m very excited at the prospect of seeing them together and making sense of them in a different way. It will be fascinating how people respond to them.

Rather than let the work speak for itself Lighthouse’s curator, Sara St George, has recommended I weave the stories behind the work through the gallery alongside the works, as visitors will be far more likely to be able to engage with the work on a deeper level. This is timely, as I work with the storytelling team at a digital agency for at least part of my average month, so it’s very much at the forefront of my mind.

Which spark more questions of crossover in the show… if I approach the hanging, display and use of space in the Gallery like a commercial project – or at least bring in elements of one – such as purpose, user experience, creating value etc.. will I be

So, I’ve just notched my project planning and process up a gear and writing this is the start point. I’ll keep you posted…

“Are We There Yet? Mapping the Labyrinth”

Saturday 7th November – Saturday 5th December

The Gallery, Lighthouse – Poole’s Centre for the Arts, BH15 1UG
