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Ideas in your head? Work them out…

Apr 24, 2014Talks & Workshops

A guest post by Michael Eldridge:

‘Ideas which stay in the head,
die in the head’


Now, there’s a guy who got it right.

Can you remember your childhood days when every minute was a wondrous realm of imagination and you were totally absorbed in the depth of each moment?

Imagine, once again, finding within yourself a colourful creative garden of spontaneity and intuition . . .

Art makes art; creativity feeds creativity. Want to get all that amazing stuff out of your head and into the world? To share with the world? StarStone will show you how. And we do it with a lot of fun and laughter!

Our BIG PAINTING workshops provide simple ways to help you rediscover the original source of your creativity and to know that is it possible to live from a secure place within yourself that permits you to act from your own uniqueness. You paint BIG and thus become BIG in your imagination and love of creativity.

You’ll experience new ways of self-expression and rediscover the precious core of your creativeness, which has always been there waiting to be re-awakened.

Your creativity matters.

Just 2 weeks to go  – and Ryanair are running flights to Italy from the UK for just £22.50 each way!

Reserve your place on the BIG Painting spring break now!

Starstone Creativity Journeys