Compassion… AW Week 9 – Check-In

Apr 6, 2010Inspiring, Play, The Artist's Way

You may or may not have noticed a huge delay recently in me writing these posts. Apt then, that this week was about developing a Sense of Compassion – for others and for yourself. So, I’ve had to forgive myself in not keeping up with everything as I’d like to. Both our boys have had chickenpox, but not together, one after the other – this meant 21 consecutive nights of broken sleep! So, if you know any parents dealing with chickenpox, have some compassion – they may well need it!! Thanks for bearing with me…


How many days this week did you do your morning pages?
Not many and not for long – maybe 3 days less than a page. I’m finding I’m more drawn to journaling at the moment, as a daily practice –  I think it will be very useful – is this resistance to the morning pages genuine or just ego-based excuses to sabotage doing them? Hmmm… actually that’s a pattern of behaviour for me – deciding to follow a course of instruction and then deciding to follow my own path anyway – like I can’t just follow the rules or guidelines entirely. Part of me thinks this is healthy, the other says “no wonder these things don’t always work out for you, but they do for others – you just won’t do what you’re told!!” How’s that for negative self-talk?

How was the experience for you?
Good – it was really interesting reading some of the Morning Pages back to myself – most of my not yet done to-dos are to do with art, not coaching – the same old same old ideas keep resurfacing – I long for a time again when I’m totally in the flow and everything I do is about producing good work in the studio. Like in Barcelona when I was studying for my MA.

Have you recommended them to anyone else? Yes, to my writing group. Why? So that they build up a daily practice of writing.

Did you do your artist’s date this week? Yes, hoorah!! I invited all the kids to come and paint Easter Eggs in the yurt:


How did you feel? It was great – such a lovely laid-back and productive energy. The yurt is such a lovely space to be inside. The sun was shining, we got paint, glue and glitter everywhere and actually everyone made some lovely eggs and little paintings. Robert, my artist friend who’s paints they were using up, would be proud of them, (but not so proud of me, who made nothing) but noticed that I loved the space and the ambience.


Did you experience any synchronicity this week and what was it? Yes, with my Kundalni yoga – Sada Nam, my teacher, did a numerology reading for me (I’m a born teacher apparently!) and then my daily yoga sets at perfect points in my own awareness. I also noticed synchronicity with my interviewees for my podcasts (all relevant issues for me personally) and with David (we were more in tune with each other).

Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant in your recovery? The chickenpox epidemic with Hal & TheO has been exhausting – about 2 weeks solid of broken sleep, crying, scratching and off school, so we had to stop and just watch movies or go slow. We watched some Studio Ghibli films together, which was lovely and inspiring. Also, doing my business plan for my coaching practice with Dawn from Business for Coaches made it clear to me that I do want an art practice – I decided to match every hour I help someone else with an hour on myself. And of course, I read “Seven Days in the Art World”, by Sarah Thornton, which has totally inspired me to get out there and play the game – demystify the huge mountain and actually start enjoying the climb.

Wow, I never thought I’d be able to post this post, I was so tired… woo-hoo, well done that girl…!

How are you doing? When have you needed or given compassion this week?
