AW Week 8 – Recovering a Sense of Strength

Mar 14, 2010Inspiring, The Artist's Way

My Tasks for this week then…

1. Goal Search: “Think of your goal search as a preliminary architect’s drawing of the life you want to live”.

  • Name your dream Write it down “in a perfect world, I would secretly love to be a ……… “
  • Name one concrete goal that signals to you its accomplishment. On your emotional compass, this goal signifies true north.
  • Select a role model
  • In a perfect world, where would you like to be in 5 years in relation to your dream and true north?
  • In the world we inhabit now, what action can you take, this year, to move you closer?
  • What action can you take this month?
  • This week? This day?
  • Now. Choose an action.

2. New Childhood: what might you have been if you’d had perfect nurturing? Write a page on this fantasy childhood.


3. Colour schemes: pick a color and write a few sentences describing yourself in the 1st person.

4. List 5 things you are not allowed to do. …now do that thing on paper – make a collage, paint it, act it out… now put some music on and dance it.

5. Style Search: List 20 things you like to do. Answer these questions for each item: Does it cost money or is it free? Expensive or cheap? Alone or with somebody? Job related? Physical risk? Fast-paced or slow? Mind, body or spiritual?

6. Ideal Day: plan a perfect day in your life as it is now constituted, using the information gleaned from above.

7. Ideal Ideal Day: Plan a perfect day in your life as you wish it were constituted, There are no restrictions. Allow yourself to be, do and to have whatever your heart desires. Your ideal environment, job, home, circle of friends, intimate relationship, stature in your art form – your wildest dreams.

8. Choose one festive aspect from your ideal day. Allow yourself to live it this week.