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AW Week 5 – Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Feb 8, 2010Inspiring, The Artist's Way

Ahh – trying to keep up! This is actually a lot faster pace than I imagined. This week’s about Possibility, so I included a project the fab Kickstarter site to help focus on that sense that anything is possible if you are clear about what you want. Well done Molly!

So, my intentions for this week:

My Artist Date -aah, I’ll have to come back to this later today…

My commitment to artwork – rain (and drips) or shine – get in the studio for a minimum of 2 hours a day.

And this week’s tasks:

  1. The reason I can’t really believe in supportive universe/god is… List 5 grievances (god can take it)
  2. Start an Image File: if I had either faith or money, I would try… List 5 desires. Start collecting images and keep them in an Image File – Add to it continually for the duration of the course.
  3. One more time, list 5 imaginary lives. Have they changed? (add images of these lives to your Image File.)
  4. If I were 20 and had money… List 5 adventures. (add images of these to your Image File.)
  5. If I were 65 and had money… List 5 postponed pleasures. And again collect images. (This is a very potent tool)
  6. 10 ways I am mean to myself are.. .“Just as making the positive explicit helps allow it into our lives, making the negative explicit helps us to exorcise it.”
  7. 10 items I would like to own that I don’t are… and again collect images.
  8. Honestly my favourite creative block is… TV, over-reading, friends, work, rescuing others, overexercise. You name it. Whether you can draw or not, please cartoon yourself indulging in it.
  9. My payoff for staying blocked is…
  10. The person I blame for being blocked is…